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Mothers infected with Coronavirus,may be protective to their newborn infants,Dr.D.K.JHA,M.D.,Pediatrician and Pediatric Pulmonologist,Delhi

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021

Coronavirus (SARS-Cov 2) infections causing Coronavirus disease(Covid 19) have killed many people worldwide since its spread starting from November 2019.

Vaccines are now available worldwide to protect the world populations by synthesising antibody in human body which fights and kills Coronavirus when it enters into the body.

Vaccines are not recommended currently for pregnant women as well as for infants and children.

In such scenario, if it is known that coronavirus infections stimulate the production of antibody against it and it is transferred from mothers to newborn infants to protect them,it will be gift to infants by nature.

In childrens hospital Philadelphia,1714 women were studied who delivered between April 9 to August 8,2020.

Immunoglobulin G(IgG) were measured from the serum of mothers and cord blood of their newborns in 1471 cases

SARS-CoV 2 antibody IgG were detected in 83 women,that is in 6% women.This IgG is known to cross the placenta.

Among these 83 women,72 newborns were detected to have IgG,that is in 87% cases.

No antibody was detected in newborns of seronegative mothers.

In 11 newborns of seropositive mothers,no antibody was detected.Among them,5 mothers were having only IgM ,which does not cross the placenta and 6 mothers were having very low titre of IgG.

So, it is very important study,which showed the presence of protective antibody in newborns of mothers who were infected with Coronvirus and produced protective antibody for themselves as well as for their newborn infants.

REFERENCES:JAMA Pediatrics,Published online on January 29,2021