Posts Tagged ‘MIS-C’

Dengue fever/MIS-C,DR D.K.JHA,M.D.,Pediatrician and Pediatric Pulmonologist Delhi

Thursday, October 21st, 2021

In the period of october 2021,both Dengue fever and Multi system inflammatory syndrome in children(MIS-C) are being seen in children in Delhi,India

Clinical and laboratory features are overlapping for both these diseases

It is important to differentiate between these as management entirely differs for both

In case of Dengue fever the cornerstone of management is aggressive fluid therapy with crystalloid and colloid with ionotrops if fluid therapy does not work and platelet transfusion if needed.

In cases of MIS-C, the cornerstone of management is steroids and IVIG(Immunoglobulins).Aggressive fluid management may be detrimental in cases of shock with cardiac dysfunction.

Fever are common in both but swellings of feet and hands,diarrhoea,conjuntival injections and altered sensorium along with the laboratory findings of hyperinflammation like highly raised CRP,Leukocytosis,raised D-Dimer are pointers towards MIS-C .In this situations,anti COVID antibody should be done and if positive ,confirms the diagnosis of MIS-C

If fever is associated with vomiting ,erythmatous rashes,myalgia along with the laboratory findings of leucopenia ,severe thrombocytopenia,hemoconcentration , raised serum ferritin level,it points towards the diagnosis of Dengue fever and NS1 antigen and or anti Den IgM should be done which when positive confirms the diagnosis of Dengue fever

In comparision to MIS-C,serum Ferritin level is higher in Dengue fever


1. Ahmed M, Advani S, Moreira A, et al. Multisystem
inflammatory syndrome in children: A systematic review. E
Clin Med. 2020;26:100527.

2.Mishra S, Ramanathan R, Agarwalla SK. Clinical profile of
dengue fever in children: A study from southern Odisha,
India. Scientifica (Cairo). 2016;2016:6391594

3.Indian Pediatrics,volume 58,15 October,2021